Make Your Own Statement “Home Sweet Home”

Meet the Deuels this month! Their “Sign in the Wild” is a testament to how personalized metal signs can create a home’s personality with some crafty personalization!

The Deuels moved to Florida three years ago in September from New York as colder weather and the harsh conditions of winter in mid-state New York were fast approaching. The Deuels decided they didn’t want to deal with the cold and snow anymore and made the move to Central Florida. COVID-19 was in full swing at that time, which made the move a bit challenging, but the promise of a new “warm” lifestyle overrode any obstacles they encountered in the move.

They found the perfect house but felt that it needed some sprucing up. Mrs. Deuel, Carrie, really wanted to personalize their new home so she began searching Facebook for ideas. She found Timeless Steel Designs on Facebook and since they were local, decided to give them a try. Five custom metal designs later, the personalization of their home was underway!

First was a decorative sign with their name for the front of the house. Followed by some fun signs for the pool. Having come from the cold north, a warm pool needed to be personalized with two signs: “Welcome to Our Pool” and “Life is Better By The Pool.” Perfect signs for their new Florida lifestyle.


 metal sign - welcome to our pool


metal sign - life is better by the pool

Carrie didn’t stop there though. She needed the perfect gift for her husband who spends his spare time restoring cars in a workshop at their house. Carrie came up with the perfect idea. A customized sign showing a wrench with the words “The Shop Beware of Loud Outburst & Flying Tools.”

 metal sign - shop tools flying


The Deuel’s continue to enjoy their Florida lifestyle and their uniquely decorated home. Mr. Deuel is retired and spending time in his Shop and Carrie continues working on the healthcare and retail industry. Their house is a great example of how to personalize your home or workspace to “make it your own!” Check out Timeless Steel Designs website and start personalizing your home, shop, or business today!